Dog owner killed his young border collie with an axe

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In a shocking case of animal cruelty in Western Australia, came an early Monday report of a 61-year-old man allegedly killing his young border collie mix with an axe. According to RSPCA WA chief executive David van Ooran, the act was so horrific, authorities can not imagine the fear and terror the two-year-old dog must have experienced. The dog died from his injuries.

The Daily Mail reports the disturbing act of cruelty occurred on Saturday in the suburb of Esperance, southeast of Perth. The owner has been charged with animal cruelty. His name has not been made public at this time.

At this time, no motive for the horrific act has been revealed, however Mr. van Ooran stated animal cruelty takes on a variety of forms including unintentional neglect and varies right through to “deliberate, malicious cruelty that really gets a lot of attention.” Sadly, authorities are seeing the deliberate cruelty offenses against innocent pets far too often.

The defendant is scheduled to appear in the Esperance Magistrate’s Court on May 15.  Pet Rescue Report will follow-up as more details come forward.

Rest in peace sweet dog. You deserved better.

(Photo of dog featured is not the dog cited in article killed with an axe)

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Horribly neglected dogs rescued from a hoarder’s home – read more here.

neglected dogs seized from hoarder's home


Baby seal spotted with a knife – read more here.


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  1. I trueloveaviary hope they throw the book at him. There is NO reason to do this to the dog. What ohld he have possibly done to deserve this kind of death?? NOTHING at all.

  2. Make this monster’s name public! He needs to stay in prison for the rest of his life and that is more mercy than he deserves!

    • This POS has a reserved space in Hell where he will burn forever for his cruelty….. let’s all hope he gets there ASAP(after dying unloved, alone, afraid and in pain)……

      RIP precious furbaby. You did NOT deserve to be killed….. please look for MacKitty in Heaven and you can RIP amongst loving snuggle buddies…..

  3. Border Collies are near and dear to my heart, and if I had my way, someone would use that axe on this vile POS and rid the world of one more monster.

    Heartbreaking to think what this innocent sweetheart endured at the hands of the one he trusted and loved. The dog will be in heaven, whereas this monster will burn in Hell.

  4. I hope that bastard does NOT GET away with this cruelty. He deserves to be thrown in Prison and throw away the key. Asshole.

  5. This miserable hunk of shit needs to have his name published and his picture posted in every shelter and rescue group in Australia – he needs a damn date with a tractor trailer and I hope it is fatal. A useless sack of horse manure is what he is and should be treated as such. Hopefully, if the tractor trailer misses him that there is someone with an axe that can give him the punishment he so well deserves. Let his old wrinkled ass be as terrified as he made an innocent dog.

  6. Why with hold his name are you concerned that someone will give him street justice before he goes to court? Whatever happens, happens, I hope he gets put away for a very long time!

  7. This will not stop or lessen until the courts and judges make these monsters PAY for their crimes. A slap on the hand and suspended sentences is not enough incentive.
    Abuse, should be a mandatory 5 years behind bars and $25,000 fine and life time ban on ever owning another pet.
    Murder an animal, 10 years behind bars and $50,000 fine and life time ban on ever owning another pet
    This should all be mandatory and NO SUSPENDED SENTENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. May this evil monster suffer from pain and has nightmares with no peace in his black evil heart, black soul and mind. I hope he suffers at the hand of pathetic can this so call human be


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