Washington man charged after killing cat – said ‘gods’ told him to make a sacrifice

Washington man claims he had to sacrifice cat
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A Washington man is facing a charge for animal cruelty after killing a woman’s cat. According to The News Tribune, the 27-year-old Puyallup man claimed that the “gods” told him to make a sacrifice and it was between the woman, and her cat.

The man, whose name has not been released, claimed that he didn’t have much of a choice, so he opted to take the life of the cat, whose neck was broken with a stick. The man dumped the dead cat’s body in a garbage can.

The responding authorities found the cat’s body and were told by the woman that the alleged cat killer is also a drug user. In court last Friday, the man pleaded not guilty to the first-degree animal cruelty charge stemming from the incident.

(Stock image of cat via Pixabay)

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  1. The God’s are telling me to put a bullet between the eyes of this POS .. But I must first torture him. Why … Because he’s a heartless FUCK and he needs to die

  2. The only thing between this poor woman and her hapless cat was this F*KWAD: If a choice HAD to be made “between them”, he SHOULD have sacrificed HIMSELF!

    Just put this miserable POS out of our collective misery!

    Rest-in-peace, precious little soul…

  3. The God’s want him sent to hell…… now…………….do it!
    RIP sweet kitty…. this monster stole your life, but now you can run free at Rainbow Bridge.

  4. The gods are telling me that this cat killer must be sacrificed because no God would ever tell anyone to take the life of an animal who was created in love. I hope they lock up this nutcase and throw away the key. He should have done us all a favour and sacrificed himself. No one would have cared.

  5. I couldn’t take it if something like this happened to one of my furr babies. He should be locked up for all of our collective safety. I hope he goes to hell and has to be sacrificed over and over again…..


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