Despicable – senior dogs surrendered, owner ‘okay’ with them being killed

Seniors surrendered - owner okay with them being euthanized
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Shelter intake employees hear a variety of explanations from people who bring their pets in to be surrendered…from “I’m moving,” to, “I have developed allergies.” At times, however, the lack of regard from the surrendering owner can move volunteers and staff to tears.

This week, a man brought his two 12-year-old dogs to an open-door animal control agency in San Bernardino, California. When questioned, the man stated that the dogs had lived a good life…and that he was okay with them being euthanized, because “they’ve had a good 12 years.”

Owner surrendered dogs are the first to be put down – especially when shelters are full. Fortunately for this pair, someone cared more about their fate than their previous owner. According to Petharbor, Roxy and Nicky have been rescued – no thanks to the man who wanted their life prematurely ended.

(Video via Facebook)

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Overcrowding problems during holiday weekend

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    • If you listen to him he actually said “I don’t want them in a rescue shelter”. WTF is wrong with this asshole?!!!!!!

  2. ALL I can say THIS MAN HAS LIVED LONG ENOUGH::::::HE thinks he has had a good long live. May he get Shot in a Drive by CAR HIGH JACKING!!! Thanks to Pet Harbor the two will have a chance to live the rest of their lives and when the higher power decides it is time then they can go in peace!!!! What a total BASTARD THEIR OWNER WAS !!!

    • My boy Barkley is 12 years old, and I hope he has many more years ahead, This guy must think he is God making the decisions for his pets!

  3. Thank you Petharbor for stepping up to the plate and helping these two precious dogs in their desperate time of need. So sad that their POS owner ran out on them. Karma you sad excuse for a human

  4. Let’s see, what would be a “good” age to put down this POS that has no regard for his pet’s lives? I’m so glad these two found their way out!

  5. This is what makes me sick more than ever. I hope I wish. This piece sh&$t gets thrown away when he is ” 12″. Not that he ever left it. I hate people more and more. Karma.

  6. HEARTBREAKING, IMMORAL, AND PROFOUND BETRAYAL!!! This heartless, soulless evil monster should be killed, after all he’s already lived many years, so to abide by and follow this “dictator’s” own theory and protocol: it’s time to kill this sub-human, this scumbag has lived long enough! Disregard and do away with this useless POS scumbag! I have a sad and awful feeling that these two precious dogs did not have a “good” or happy life living with this ignorant imbecile “dictator.” Thank God an angel rescued these precious dogs, now these dogs will experience TRUE love, devotion, and loyalty. Karma WILL get this BASTARD that demanded and insisted that these innocent precious, healthy dogs be put to death for no reason, just because they were 12 years old. Such a selfish and cowardly betrayal on these innocent dogs. This cruel and disgusting POS will BURN IN HELL!!! POS scumbag, you can run, but you can’t hide – KARMA IS A BITCH!!! ????????????????????

  7. I am Sick after Reading this. I Hope and Pray to the Good Lord that these 2 Senior Dogs get Rescued. They are not Old. The Person who Surrendered these 2 Dogs Don’t know it but A Dog is your for the Life of the Animal. Karma will come and get you, You SCUM. I Hope you Read these Reports from Dog Lovers.

  8. The owner is a disgrace, but I have to give the shelter credit for not going along with the owner and refusing to allow the dogs to go to rescue. This same thing happened with my American Bulldog, who was 12 at the time. They just scheduled him for euthanasia. When I came to the shelter and tried to adopt him, they told me “people don’t adopt 12 year old dogs” and I pointed to myself, and informed them that “I” would adopt this 12 year old dog. Then they said he couldn’t be adopted because the owner signed off on euthanasia. I insisted they at least call the owner and see if they would release him to me, which they also resisted because “they don’t do over the phone surrenders” – after a ridiculous amount of pleading to managers and directors and animal control officers, the first over the phone surrender was accomplished, and my boy is 14 years old now and has no signs of dropping any time soon.

    • YOU ACCOMPLISHED this YOURSLEF because YOU and YOU ALONE stood up for the RIGHT THING … YOUR senior is LUCKY TO HAVE U in his LIFE !!!

  9. I hope this old person is put in a home some day & somebody says, Quit feeding him & no water.” He is old & has had a good life. He can just parish. Karma will be visiting him.

  10. its too bad that you can’t take people (sub-humans) like this out and shoot them. They are a disgrace to the human race and not worthy of breathing free air. Just another reason I hate humans so much.

  11. I wish there was a national web site that these low life, scum, useless pieces of skin’s name could be placed on so they would NEVER EVER be allowed to buy, adopt or live in the same home as a pet!!!
    I could never work there….. I would hurt someone like this idiot.


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