Tourists quickly learn that moose do not want to be ‘petted’

Young moose killed
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A particularly foolish bunch of tourists – aptly named “tourons” ( a combination of tourist and moron perhaps?) in Breckinridge, Colorado may have finally learned to leave wildlife alone and observe these beautiful animals via the lens of a camera instead of an up close and foolish experience.

Moose kicks out.

The Instagram account TouronsofYellowstone, provides us with some examples of what not to do when observing wildlife, but aren’t these pretentious tourists becoming just too common?



Tourist + Moron = Touron!! I spend some time in both YNP💛& the Tetons, & it never ceases to AMAZE me how stupid people are!🤪 (What NOT to do!!!)

The first photo and short video clip showed us a tourist trying to pet a moose. At this time of year, the moose have shed their antlers, and instead of the annoyed animal headbutting the obnoxious human following him around and trying to touch him, – even amid the yelling from other people to leave the moose alone, the moose instead tried to kick the person. Good for the moose!

Check out the video:

And as the Instagram account states, moose are naturally curious and may approach people, but watch for their signs of getting annoyed – ears back, tail wagging, raised hair on their neck or licking their snouts. If that’s the case, run away and try to put a large object between you as in a big tree or rock.

In the second example, this time tourists are taking photos too close, mind you of a bison. It’s when the animal feels threatened that he chases the tourist, and as you can see from the video, it’s quite the close call.

Check out the video:

How to safely watch wildlife in parks.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

This man has some fine feathered friends watching too.
Kitty staring at the fish tank. Hmmmmm….

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