Homeless man’s dogs waited in what used to be their yard

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In the Redlands area of California, four dogs had been left behind. They waited in what used to be their yard and wondered why they couldn’t go into the only home they had ever known. It was cold and it was pouring rain, but no one called for them to come into the warmly lit home.


It was Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue that came to the aid of the dogs. Neighbors had been helping to feed the dogs, but now it was time to rescue them and find out why they were abandoned. Volunteers were angry – who could leave these defenseless dogs to fend for themselves?

“Deana Whitfield fed them and reached out for help. Michelle Aarf McKinney sent me the address,” wrote Faith Easdale, a member of the Dream Fetchers’ team.

“Then we become humbled when the owner comes walking up with a walker.”

And the tragic story unfolded. Just two weeks ago, the disabled man was forced to leave his home. His son, a drug addict and dealer, never paid the mortgage on the home where his father lived. The man and his dogs were left homeless.

“The dogs saw the elderly owner and tails wagged and they cried for him. I wanted to cry too,” Faith added. “The man signed an owner surrender and just wants them to find homes.”

The dogs are now safe and warm. The rescue organization has asked everyone to have compassion for those who are struggling.

To help with the dogs, donations can be sent by using this link.

For more information about DreamFetchers, and how you can help, please click here.

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