Rescue needs help for elderly blind pug and his best friend

Elderly blind pug and his best friend
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An elderly blind pug, and his best friend and emotional support Chihuahua, are in need of a helping hand. The duo came to the Colorado Pug Rescue last summer when their owner had to let them go because of a terminal illness.

The pug, named Augie, arrived to the rescue group with his little buddy Pepe back in August and soon thereafter, the rescue organization began helping him with a multitude of health issues, including the need to remove both of his eyes, get him through a bout of pneumonia, and pay for 14 tooth extractions due to advanced dental disease.

Now the rescue group is buried in veterinary bills. Cyndi Trimber, a volunteer with the rescue, tells KDVR News, “It racked up a really huge bill! I went to pick him up and I’m like, ‘holy!’ We’re a foster group. How are we going to afford this?” A fundraiser has been set up to help offset the $3000(+) bill – click here to learn more.

Colorado Pug Rescue also hopes to find this bonded pair a loving home where they can spend the rest of their days together. Timber tells the news agency, “They sleep together, they eat together. It’s really sweet they depend on each other like that.”

Find the rescue group’s website here.

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