NFL player’s dogs ripped neighbor’s rescued Labrador retriever apart

NFL player's dog killed neighbor's dog
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Dogs belonging to an NFL football player ripped apart a Texas family’s adopted Labrador retriever. As reported by Fox 5 News, Trent Williams’ dogs are blamed for the death of the Flowers’ family dog, Sandy.

Williams, with the Washington Redskins, blames the fatal incident on the dog who died, telling the news agency that it was Sandy who first attacked one of his dogs. Williams seems unapologetic for the dog’s death, saying it was just, “dogs doing what dogs do.”


Linda Flowers describes the horrific manner that Sandy died, telling the news agency:

“They drug her head through the fence. Half of her body was through the wrought iron fence.”

Some residents in the Missouri City neighborhood question why Williams has a kennel housing nine pit bull/mastiff dogs on his property. One woman tells the news agency, “What’s going on over there is not normal and it has no business happening in a residential neighborhood.” Another neighbor stated that animal control and the police have been notified…to no avail. Some residents in the area claim that they are afraid to walk through the neighborhood because of Williams’ dogs.

The incident is apparently under investigation by the local authorities.

(Screenshots via Fox news)

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  1. Oh people, people. What are you complaining about? So an NFL player has a lot of Pitbull/Mastiff dogs that are being kept in kennels in his backyard. HE’S AN NFL PLAYER! What could you possibly be so suspicious about? That he may be raising and/or fighting dogs? BUT, HE’S AN NFL PLAYER!! Haven’t you heard that NFL players are allowed to do whatever they wish and they have the backing of the NFL authorities in their endeavors no matter what? They can beat, torture, starve, even fight their dogs and the NFL will pat them on their fat asses and offer them a ten million dollar raise, just keep winning those senseless games.


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