Teen thought about killing people, then decided to kill his mom’s cat instead

Teen killed mom's cat
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A teenager in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has been arrested for killing his mother’s cat. According to multiple sources, 18-year-old Cohen Heath admitted that he thought about killing his mother, and a friend, before he settled on taking the life of his mom’s cat.

Now, Heath is facing a charge of aggravated cruelty to animals, a class six felony.

The grim details

As reported by KRDO News, Heath opted to kill the cat because it would be “easier” than killing his friend or mom. The cat was placed into a bag and stabbed in a storm drain – he then mutilated the cat so he could have “mementos’ from the kill.

It was Heath’s mother who reached out to the authorities after she discovered the slain cat in her son’s bedroom.

(Image via KRDO News)

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  1. If I were this mother, I would be scared silly! This kid needs more help than I believe is available! Please put him away before he does kill his mother or friend!

  2. Maybe someone will think about killing him, karma for every negative there is a positive. The positive to this would be he gets a good lesson in jail…


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