Sweet dog knew her brother was about to cross the rainbow bridge and did her best to comfort him

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Two heartbreaking photos showing Chloe comforting her dying canine brother and best friend, had many of us crying. The photos, posted to “Reddit/dog pictures by user SnowFlakeGuinea on Sunday garnered more than 1.8 thousand upvotes.

(The number of upvotes or downvotes determines the posts’ visibility on the site, so the most popular content is displayed to the most people.)

According to the post, Chloe knew the night before that her brother was about to die, and she did her best to comfort him. The comments from readers were so poignant, and several posters agreed that “we don’t deserve dogs.” Many people wanted to know how Chloe had been handling the loss.

i’m not crying. you’re crying!


Do dogs really grieve? Scientists and dog behaviorists have opined similar opinions and agree that dogs do grieve, however they express their grief differently than humans. Remembering that dogs are part of a pack, and the loss or sudden departure of one of the pack, leaves the remaining members feeling anxious or uncertain.

While some bonded dogs, who lose their companion may seem to be afraid, it’s likely the culmination of missing them. For instance, when humans lose a loved one, they grieve for the loss and the absence of a future with that person, but dogs likely don’t think about tomorrow and future plans, but they know something in their lives has changed.

Tomorrow morning when it’s time for their walk, and both dogs had always been together for that walk in the park, the surviving pet has already sensed the absence and the break of routine. Dogs love routine; the absence of his pal can cause him to become depressed or anxious.

According to the American Kennel Club, dogs do not understand the metaphysical concept of death.

Dogs don’t necessarily know that another dog in their life has died, but they know that individual is missing. It’s a situation of loss of companionship where that dog is no longer around.”

Dr. Marc Bekoff

“If the pups shared a very close bond, then the dog may react with behaviors that indicate depression after a furry friend passes away,” says Dr. Mary Burch, a certified applied animal behaviorist with more than 25 years of experience working with dogs.

Each dog grieves differently and for a different amount of time. Dr. Bekoff recommends spending time with your dog when she wants it, and make sure she gets plenty of exercise and make sure she is eating.

Sometimes getting another dog is a solution for a grieving pet, but although we all know no one can replace someone we loved, another dog may help her to heal. Make sure to contact your veterinarian for advice.

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Watch out for the skunk!

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  1. Our dogs definitely grieve for lost pack members. We adopt a new senior dog every time we lose a pack member. It does NOT replace the lost member but it saves another life and we do it in honor and memory of our beloved lost pack member.


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