Dog turned over to rescue after getting loose from prior home: Owner wants him back

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A dog who escaped from his owner’s yard when a landscaper left a gate unlatched has been turned over to a Florida rescue agency. The year-old husky, named Jasher, belonged to Tavaris Washington, a military veteran, but Washington was not able to locate his missing dog before the Coral Springs Police Department placed him with a local rescue group.

The authorities kept Jasher beyond the three-day stray hold and made the decision to put him with a rescue agency. In a statement, Officer Chris Swinson explained:

“A pet, as precious as a young husky, cannot be confined to a kennel for an extended period of time and contacted the rescue with the best interests of the dog being their utmost priority.”

Prior to the transfer, the department’s animal humane division had posted a photo of the dog, hoping to find his owner:

Location found: , 11100 W Atlantic Blvd Coral Springs. Event #2022-0035759. If you recognize these dogs or know who their owner is please contact Coral Springs Humane Unit at 954-346-4422


The post was later updated with “Went to Rescue.”

Washington tells Local 10 News:

“Honestly, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. I miss my dog. I want my dog. That’s all I do know … He is my service dog since I’ve been out of the military, helping me around the house with my emotional stress and everything.

That’s my dog, they’ve got my dog and I want him back.”

People who know Washington are hoping that the rescue group will give Jasher back. People commenting on the original found dog post not only indicate that they know who the rightful owner is, but they want to see him returned by the rescue agency.

It is unclear if the rescue group has spoken to the dog’s owner. Comments indicate that the woman who runs the rescue is refusing to answer emails and calls.

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  1. It’s all about them money I bet they got at least 200-300 bucks for this dog. How low can a rescue go refusing to give back a veterans dog. Just shameful.

  2. The dog got loose, it happens, give the dog back to the rightful owner you have no business keeping his dog!


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