Reward offered for return of puppy stolen from owner’s car

Puppy stolen from owner's car
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A reward is being offered for the safe return of a puppy who was stolen from his owner’s parked car in Denver, Colorado. The theft was made known in a Reddit post which indicates that the missing dog is a four-month-old pup named Baloo.

The post, made on Wednesday, states that Baloo was taken on Tuesday around 9:00 PM. The vehicle was parked in Denver’s “5 points area” – between 28th and Welton Street. Out There Colorado reports that the car was unattended for approximately 15 minutes and that the owner searched the area for approximately four hours. The puppy theft has been reported to the Denver Police Department.

Anyone with information should click this link to find the owner’s contact information.

Yesterday: Elderly dog fights to survive after severe neglect and tick infestation

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  1. Another dog was in the car and not stolen so this is most likely not a do gooder “saving” the pup from being left in a car. Why people continue to leave dogs unattended in their cars so this happens is anyone’s guess. I do hope he gets the pup back safe and sound.


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