The latest on ‘Republic,’ dumped dog who is struggling to survive

Update about dumped dog
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Dog lovers have been anxiously waiting for positive news about Republic, the ailing young dog who was recently dumped on a road in Texas. On Wednesday morning, Chip N Snip posted a heartwarming video showing the pup up and walking – incredible progress given that Republic was on the brink of death when she was initially rescued.

On Tuesday, the rescue group provided a positive update indicating hope for the struggling pup:

Republic had her first food today! It wasn’t a steak dinner but she did manage to eat some baby food and keep it down. She is going outside now and loves rolling in the grass. Keep those prayers coming. We are moving the right direction.

What is known about Republic’s health

On May 21, the rescue group answered some questions about Republic for people who have been inquiring about testing and other health-related concerns:

No- she wasn’t fed drugs, yes we’ve checked.
She is underweight, so she is trying to gain.
She is still having leaky stool, so we are hoping that clears soon.
Vergi 24/7 has done every test imaginable, they are the best around and are doing everything needed for her.

Ailing Pup’s backstory

Last week, a woman was caught on video dumping Republic on a road in Texas. After being confronted by two people who were taking a video, the woman picked up the puppy and placed her in the back of a pick-up truck…all the while, the puppy who had been abandoned remains motionless in the bed of the truck. Though the woman in the video claimed that she would take the puppy to an animal control agency, the pup was later discovered abandoned once again. Read more here.

Chip N Snip is collecting funds for this puppy’s ongoing care via PayPal.

According to Chip N Snip, all information about Republic, and what happened to her before she was picked up and taken to safety, has been turned over to law enforcement.

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  1. oh how precious!! She looks like she feels so much better. Thank you to you heroes who helped Republic. God bless you Republic. Praying for complete healing.

  2. Someone KNOWS who this female maggot is and needs to step up and do the right thing – turn her filthy ass in – she needs to be prosecuted for her vile cruelty – then, again, this is Texas where animals are treated like disposable objects and the authorities will do nothing to locate or arrest her. I am very pleased the Republic is getting better – but again, this being Texas, she will be dumped in a high kill shelter when healthy enough so they can kill her. This state is so blind to animal cruelty – they don’t care and they prove it daily.

  3. Bless all of you helping this sweet little pup…..may karma find the useless excuse of a human that dumped this baby!


  5. Time has proven if a human has no regards for kindness to an animal and is abusive, this carries through to other humans-especially children. There is something wrong and dark in these people’s souls. By prosecuting animal cruelty you could very well be saving a child’s life. They pray on the weak.


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