Teen arrested for leaving one-month-old puppy in car overnight

Teen arrested for leaving puppy in parked car
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A teen was arrested for allegedly leaving a one-month-old puppy unattended overnight in a car which was parked at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, hotel. According to WPDE News, 19-year-old Romany Newkirk is facing a charge of  mistreatment of animals for the incident which took place over the Memorial Day weekend.

A maintenance worker reached out to the authorities for help after noticing the puppy “in distress” inside of a car that was parked at the Breakers Hotel Parking garage. A responding officers found the puppy “yelping” inside of the 1998 Acura and noted in a police report that there was no water available.

Signs of dehydration

According to the police report, the puppy showed signs of dehydration. The puppy began “gulping” water which was offered by the officer and it was noted that the pup’s skin would not retract when pulled – which is a sign of dehydration.

Puppy removed for care

The puppy which was locked in the car was taken to the Grand Strand Humane Society for treatment and care. As reported by WMBF News, Newkirk was taken into custody on Monday morning.

(Booking photo)

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  1. Please permanently remove this poor puppy from Romaney Newkirk’s custody and ban her from any further ownership or contact with animals! Also make her tell you how she acquired a puppy that young!

  2. Fuckin UGLY bitch!!! PLEASE do not give the puppy back to her!!!?Puppy us a month old????? Shout be with the mother!!!

  3. What is wrong with people? And calling a 19 year old woman a teen is disgusting! She is a grown adult who should know better. Please don’t give the poor dog back to this moron!

  4. How stupid can you be why did she even have a one month old pup should of still been with her mom so sad how people treat animals

  5. A TEEN my butt. Pierced face, large tat on chest, and spending the night at a hotel…….. this monster is too stupid to own an animal. Please put her on a national registry and ban her from ever owning another pet or living in the same home as one. Keep this twit locked up as long as possible….preferable in a cell with an animal lover!

  6. This Ethnic Diva “want to be ” was probably entertaining!!!! or maybe earning some extra cash to redo her hair job!!! Couldn’t have a little puppy wanting attention and Heaven Forbid some food and water… What a Narcissistic PIECE of “WORK” the girl be… Hope her Momma be proud of her!! She needs to sit in a cell without water for about 3 days!!! then do some hard time with the broom patrol!!! those “sister’s” show this girl !!

  7. Hello,,, isn’t it illegal to remove a puppy from its mom?? What in the world is anyone doing with a month old puppy, not with its mom??
    Enforce the laws.


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