Student who killed puppy sentenced to probation

Student sentenced to probation
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A former student at the University of Central Florida has been sentenced to probation, and community service, for killing his puppy. According to Tuesday’s Click Orlando, in exchange for a lighter sentence, 20-year-old Luke Stribling pleaded guilty to the animal cruelty charges which resulted from killing his Shiba Inu pup, Julian.

The puppy died after a beating, allegedly taking place because the pup had a potty accident inside of Stribling’s apartment. In 2016 Stribling took his puppy to a veterinarian for injuries twice in a two-week span – on the last visit, the pup was dead. A necropsy revealed that the 17-week-old pup ultimately died from multiple injuries including traumatic head injuries, a fractured rib, as well as sternum and abdomen injuries.

Stribling is reported to be remorseful about the puppy’s death, but the state argued that his sadness over the incident did not negate the fact that he did indeed kill the puppy.

Stribling could have been sentenced up to five years in prison – instead, he is prohibited from owning animals (not even a fish), sentenced to three years of probation and he must perform community service and pay $1000 to a pet charity.

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Owner surrendered dog who scored a “B” on his temperament test is now on the list to be put down – read how you can help here.

Shelter dog out of time


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  1. What a travesty of justice. First of all, I believe people who abuse kids and animals should be given the same exact treatment as they gave to their victim. This thing needs to be in jail before he does something worse. Anyone can put on a show and look like they are remorseful. What a crock. RIP, little Julian. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge and enjoy a life you were denied here on earth.

  2. He needed to sit in prison for 5 years and think about the horrible thing he did! This sentence is absurd! How remorseful could he have been if in the span of two weeks he did the same thing ultimately killing an innocent puppy! Another “slap” on the wrist from the Florida judicial system. If the dog had bitten him however it would be a death sentence for the puppy!

    • Barkley’s Mom, I just called and left a message on the voice mail at the judges chambers. The phone # is: 407-836-0438. There are other phone #’s out there, but this one is correct for sure! I told her thanks to the internet the whole world was aware of her pathetic lack of education on the subject of animal torture/cruelty. AND that I hope she is voted out, stupid useless sentence of this freak, etc. You appear to have a passion to stop the egregious behaviors of these sub-humans and I know you get notifications when someone replies to you. This is why I am reaching out to you. I thought perhaps you are a part of a network that could get this info out. The judge receiving a lot of messages over the weekend might make her realize she is being judged herself. I am from CA and will do what I can with my connections. Hope you can, too. Hope EVERYONE reading this will call the judge, too!!! It is certainly worth a try and I will try till I die.
      Thanks, Beth

  3. Fucking ugly piece of shit he looks like a monster like to kick him in his fucking ugly face Break every bone in his fucking body

  4. WTF…..are you kidding me!!!!
    People get a more harsh sentence fro less!!
    I hope he dies a slow painful death and not for days!!!!!
    ROT IN HELL YOU POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yet another dead-eyed SOS allowed to get out of a REAL sentence with just probation and a relative slap on the wrist. Great. Does anyone seriously believe this trash will fail to hurt someone, ANYONE, again, whether pet or animal? Sometimes I think these judges, and the prosecutors who give scum like this nothing but probation need to have an automatic ‘you’re fired’ sentence when they screw up, because their mistakes end up costing someone else their lives.

  6. Once again, the deliberate slaying of a precious soul is utterly without consequence!


    This “punishment” simply isn’t….

  7. Oh WOW … now that is going to teach him a lesson…. THE LAW THAT HANDLED THIS IS PATHETIC AND AS WORTHLESS AS THIS MONSTER !!!!!!!

  8. You have got to be kidding !!! Probation of any kind is a joke. You really think probation is going to stop him from killing again when he gets pissed? Shame on the Judge who came up with this hairbrained idea. He beat that puppy, twice, to death with no consequences. Stupid move, you should’ve put his butt in jail .

  9. Poor little puppy.Puppies have accidents you don’t beat them for it or for any other reason.Those assholes who let him off easy need to be beat to death along with the worthless piece of shit who did this.We need more judges who give them hard time like the judge who gave the guy 20 years for running a dog fighting ring.He had balls and a heart .The rest of you who give light sentences should lose your jobs be thrown in a cage with the abusers and beaten and then left to rot.We don’t need you in a world around innocent animals.

  10. Luke Stribling – I hope you never live to see 21. Another piss poor example of what this country has for judges. This punk should be sitting in prison for AT LEAST ten years and this damn judge just gave him a slap on the wrist. I’d get more time for spitting on the sidewalk. Julian got NO justice.

  11. This S.O.B. will graduate to kids for sure and Probably more….We haven’t heard the last….
    Probation?? Twice this puppy was at a vet within 2 weeks????WTF!!!! The Asshole judge needs to be beaten like this pup!!!!!!!


  13. And you honestly think that this PUNK won’t do it again? He has done it twice and you think that probation is going to change him. IN YOUR DREAMS! He will do it again the next time he gets pissed off and an animal is close by. If anyone deserves jail time, HE DOES. You will regret that this justice system didn’t give it to him. They WILL see him again.

  14. And this is why the crime of animal cruelty will never be slowed down one iota! Even when the few states that have animal cruelty classified as a 5th degree felony and judges have at their disposal to mete out a five year sentance abusers,RARELY do they! Can u imagine the horrific pain that PUPPY endured for something as simple as relieving itself??? Puppies need consistency,direction and need let out every 2-3 hours! I can bet this poor puppy had not been let out for many hours,my God they are not born potty trained!! Potty training a puppy should NEVER EVER involve violence,dogs want nothing more than to please their owners and some people take potty training accidents as a act of stubberness and defiance,it’s freaking ridiculous!!! I don’t give a rats ass how fucking remorseful he is,it won’t give back the poor puppy its life or take away the immense pain and suffering this poor baby endured for at least a week,and was probably beaten many times while already injured!! Like I said I think the only reason animal cruelty was made a crime and the only reason they take the time to arrest these horrific abusers is to generate money for the courts with the fines imposed,because the abusers are NEVER EVER punished. The judicial system does nothing but make money off this crime and condone,enable and protect the abusers which in turn allows the crime of animal cruelty to grow and flourish! This is a crime that knows no bounds,it is perpetrated by males and females,by young and old and by every race!!! Such disrespect for a thinking,feeling creature that possesses emotions like love,hate,pain and happiness! Human life IS NOT the only life in the world that matters! Same shit different day! TRUELY SICKENING!!!!!!!!!!

  15. This is BULLSHIT!!!! He needs to go to PRISON and STAY there for a very long time!!!! Why the Hell did he get off. Just BULLSHIT!!!

  16. That judge is an idiot and needs to retire. That’s a joke to all animals who get abused. That fucking brainless creep needs to pay for what He’s done. Either someone finds the piece of shit and does everyone a favor and gets rid of the garbage or he goes to jail and someone in there teaches him a lesson. That makes me so angry????????????????????????????

  17. That’s our justice system failing again. Needed to go to jail, no questions asked. Look at those dead eyes, he’ll be beating on humans next. I’m telling you, vigilante justice will rise in this country if stiffer penalties are not handed out. He needs to have the shit kicked out of him. I’ve got a nice crow bar I’d like to use on him.

  18. EVERYONE CALL THE JUDGE: Phone number directly to the judges chambers: 1-407-836-0438. There are several numbers listed for this judge. The number above is the correct one, I know because I just left a message!!! Leave a message on the voice mail THIS WEEKEND and let her know her sentencing of this freak is unacceptable! YOU AND I HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO EXPRESS OUR OPINIONS, IT IS CALLED FREE SPEECH.


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