Tag: abandoned dog

Heartbreaking photo of neglected senior dog brought into shelter in trash bag

The heartbreaking photo of a 14-year-old neglected dog arriving at the Miami-Dade Animal Services brings tears as...

Emaciated boxer at overcrowded shelter in horrific condition arrives at Kentucky rescue org for life saving help

Amos arrived at an overcrowded shelter in horrific condition on Monday. The senior boxer would have had...

Senior Belgian Malinois unwanted by his owner any longer finds a new loving home with the help of friends

In Coconut Creek, Florida, the owner of a 12-year-old Belgian Malinois was rescued by officers from the...

Heartbreaking: Harley still thinks his family is coming back for him

Harley arrived at the Mahoning County Dog Warden in Youngstown, Ohio on December 16, 2021. Maybe he...

Sweet old timer surrendered to shelter at 16 years old because his family could not afford him

What is a basic fact of life whether human or dog - if one lives long enough...

Dog abandoned in carrier and left behind at Knoxville dumpster

The Knoxville Police Department's Animal Control is seeking the identity of the owner of a terribly neglected...

Someone boxed up newborn pups and left them with trash

Last week, newborn puppies, just 24 hours old, were discovered amongst trash at Collingwood Auction in Farmingdale,...

Two dogs rescued from abandoned apartment only had hours left to live

Amilia and Scrappy were found trapped in their kennels inside of an abandoned apartment on Des Moines'...

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