

Collie reunited with family after having been stolen by hoarders 7 months ago

Rocky the collie was reunited with his family on Saturday after having been separated from his family...

‘Foxy’ has a Farrah Fawcett smile hoping someone will find her irresistible and adopt her

Foxy arrived at the Brooklyn's facility of New York City Animal Care Centers as a stray. What...

Destined to walk down lonely hallway at NYC shelter because he was born into a society of ‘throwaways’

Leonardo's only "crime" was being born into a society that throws away the perceived unwanted dogs at...

Hollywood famous mountain lion P22 euthanized

For at least a decade, a mountain lion P-22 had become the famous symbol of California's threatened...

Blind shepherd thrown into sea on one of coldest days of year rescued by fisherman and cuddles with rescuers

A blind one-year-old Malinois shepherd was rescued from freezing water by a fisherman at Balbriggan Harbor, Co...

New York bans pet stores from selling dogs, cats and rabbits cutting down on ‘puppy mills’

In Albany, legislation was signed on Thursday, making New York the latest state to ban the sale...

Neighbors called severely injured puppy ‘hopeless case’ but watch how rescuers changed his path

Animal Aid Unlimited is a rescue center hospital and sanctuary for stray and unwanted street animals in...

Little girl wrote letter to Animal Care asking for permission to keep a unicorn in her yard

A six-year-old girl wanted to keep a unicorn in her yard at her Los Angeles home and...

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