Awww… Firefighters rescue ducklings trapped in Texas storm drain

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Could life be any more endearing and special than to see a group of firefighters in Round Rock, Texas coming to the aid of a brood of ducklings after they mistakenly wandered int a storm drain?

When these adorable ducklings took a misstep and fell into the storm drain, their mother was frantic. It was fortunate a Good Samaritan spotted the family dilemma which could have easily turned into a crisis, but the brave firemen arrived, assessed the situation and descended into the storm drain to find the exact location of the sound of the ducklings peeping quite loudly.

Yep, there they were; as one of the firemen found them all huddled in a corner, and so one by one they were gently hoisted out of the storm drain and quickly found their mama waiting.

Oh so adorable! Make sure to watch the video for a Saturday morning smile!

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