Toddler who wandered away from home found sleeping using family dog as pillow

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In Faithorn, Michigan, a two-year-old toddler who wandered away from her home with the two family dogs, was found a few hours later in the woods fast asleep on the smaller dog using him as a furry pillow.

According to local Fox News, the disappearance of the little girl sparked rescuers and officers from all over using drones and police dogs to search the surrounding area of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The child disappeared on September 20 about 8:00 p.m. Her mother, Brooke Chase told local news the search was difficult for the police dogs because so many farm animals were in the area.

Fortunately, it had been a citizen looking for the little girl on his ATV, who found her about three miles from her home near midnight.

She laid down and used one of the dogs as a pillow and the other dog laid right next to her and kept her safe.

Lieutenant Mark Giannunzio

The child appeared to be in good health after being checked out at a nearby hospital.

(Photo via video screenshot)

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