Two family dogs killed by wolves in Colorado

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In Jackson County, Colorado, two dogs were attacked by wolves within four miles of each other according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. On Monday, a ranch working cow dog was attacked and killed, and one day later, another dog was severely injured and had to be humanely euthanized due to his serious injuries.

The working dog, Cisco, a seven-year-old border collie was owned by ranch foreman Greg Sykes. The dogs went out early in the morning on Monday and when one of his dogs did not return when called, Sykes went out searching for him. He later found Cisco dead about 30 yards from his home. On Tuesday morning, the two wolves returned to a neighbor’s home and attacked their mixed breed dog, Blaze.

Neither of the two dog owners have ever worried about wolves attacking their dogs prior to this devastating situation.

CPW officers have recently investigated two depredation events, which occurred within four miles of each other in the North Park area.

Wildlife officers found wolf tracks in the vicinity and GPS collar data for both incidents that also indicated wolves were in the area during the time the dogs were attacked.

Travis Duncan from CPW as told to Steamboat radio host Shannon Lukens

Wildlife officers stated these wolves had migrated to the state and are not the result of reintroducing wolves to the area. Wolves in Colorado are listed as endangered, which only allows the animals to be killed if human life is threatened.

The agency said the owners of the dogs will be compensated for the loss. That however, can never make up for the loss of dogs who were cherished and loved by their families.

(Photo via Donna Sykes)

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