Western New York group offers help and hope to senior dogs

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A group in Western New York is now offering help and hope for senior dogs.

Statistically, senior dogs end up in shelters several different ways. This happens when their increased medical expenses and dietary restrictions become too cost prohibitive, their owner passes away, or, the owner tires of an older dog that is no longer fun and playful and opts to get a younger dog or puppy.

No matter what the situation, relinquishing a senior dog to a shelter is quite traumatic for them. Polla Milligan, founder and president of White Whiskers Senior Dog Sanctuary of Western New York, states that western New York is in desperate need of a senior dog sanctuary.

Why? Because, older dogs need special attention and care that is not always given to them when they are mainstreamed into county shelters and humane societies.

Polla stated she has always had a soft spot for the elderly shelter dogs since they often do not stand a chance of being adopted. Potential adopters tend to shy away from senior dogs knowing they will soon pass away or come with a slew of medical problems. But, Polla has always adopted these often forgotten and overlooked seniors, not matter what the risk.

Hence, White Whiskers Senior Dog Sanctuary of Western New York was formed. They received their 501c3 status in December of 2019. Currently, they do not have a shelter facility, but are actively working towards that goal.

Future plans include a home-based shelter where older dogs can share their remaining time with compassionate people who value and care for them.  They will live out their remaining years in a safe, comfortable, and peaceful environment.

The shelter will have plenty of soft, comfy sofas and lounge chairs as well as dog beds in the canine bedrooms and social areas. Fenced outdoor spaces will provide the senior residents with a chance to enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. Walks and playtime will be provided daily by a group of volunteers.

In the interim, while they wait for the funds to build their own facility, they have created a separate Facebook page called White Whiskers Senior Dog Adoptables of Western New York dedicated to helping local shelters and rescues promote their adoptable seniors.

Currently, they work with the following rescue/shelter partners such as Hamburg Mutts for Freedom, The SPCAs of Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus, Wyoming and Chautauqua counties, Buddy’s Second Chance and many more.

The t list is increasing daily since they will never turn anyone away who has a senior dog that needs a home.

Watch a video of their adoptable dogs: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteWhiskersSeniorDogSanctuary/videos/491992634809824/

In addition to pulling senior dogs from local county shelters and humane societies and taking them into their shelter, they will also offer a section of their facility to board dogs temporarily in the event someone loses their home to a fire or other natural disasters, has an unexpected hospital stay, and those escaping domestic violence.

Veterans who must stay in the hospital long-term and do not have funds to place their dogs in boarding can send them to White Whiskers temporarily. To achieve this, they will partner with other Western New York Community organizations.

To make the shelter dream a reality, White Whiskers Senior Dog Sanctuary of Western New York is working on raising the funds needed to purchase a property in Northern Erie County or Southern Niagara County. Not only will they be a safe harbor for older, forgotten dogs, they can also offer solutions for people who are struggling and would otherwise have to give up their companion animals.

To be part of this dream, you can donate to help White Whiskers of Western New York on their website

Like and follow them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WhiteWhiskersSeniorDogSanctuary/

A group of local artists have also created an art sale page to fund raise for White Whiskers.

Artwork is donated to sell, and White Whiskers receives all the profits. You can browse the artwork and purchase it from this site. https://www.facebook.com/groups/926825237734182/

Like all of us, senior dogs want their senior years to be golden and comfortable. They deserve it.

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