Disability supplies and wheelchair for disabled cocker spaniel stolen

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In Los Angeles, California, investigators are searching for the person who stole a car filled with disability supplies and a wheelchair for a disabled cocker spaniel.

According to Camp Cocker Rescue, the vehicle which belonged to the dog’s foster mother was stolen from her home’s parking structure just as she was preparing to leave for work on Monday morning. The dog, named Violet, had a custom wheel cart and special boots that protected her feet while they dragged on the ground.

Violet had been one of the “perfectly imperfect” dogs that Camp Cocker Rescue rescued from the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter. She needs round the clock nursing care, and no one had stepped up to help until Violet lucked out and found her home. She is part of the organization’s Forever Foster Home Program that covers her medical care for life.

A new custom wheelchair and all of the other supplies to replace what was stolen has been ordered for Violet. If anyone would like to help with the cost of these supplies you can do so in three ways:

1.) You can donate directly to Violet’s expenses here:


2.) You can order Violet notecards which feature Violet spreading her messages of positivity around the world here:


3.) You can donate on our main page (and leave a note that it is for Violet) here:


Many thanks to everyone for sharing Violet’s story.


Some dogs just come into our lives to make a difference.

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