Puppy found abandoned in a trash bag

Puppy found abandoned in trash bag
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An animal shelter in Kentucky reached out to the public for assistance after the discovery of a puppy who was abandoned in a trash bag. On January 5, the Lexington-Fayette Animal Care and Control agency issued a Facebook notice to page followers about the cruel situation:

Friday, January 5, 2018 around 11a.m. we received a call about a puppy that had been abandoned on the curb inside a trash bag on Owsley Avenue. Our officers immediately responded and transported the puppy back to our facility for care.

The puppy was malnourished and “near death,” at the time reported Kentucky.com. Fortunately, by January 8, the shelter posted a video of the puppy and let page followers know that the pup had made “tremendous improvements,” but was still under close observation.


The animal welfare agency is asking anyone with any information about this incident to contact their office at 859-255-9033 ext. 221.

More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page

Continue reading: Police rescue dog who was allegedly abused and thrown into vehicle’s trunk

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  1. The pond scum ‘human’ who did this should have been an abortion not a birth. Hope this little puppy fully recovers and gets the safe loving home he never had.

  2. It is wonderful to See the Improvement of this little one!!! The shelter is doing an A+ in assisting with the needs and the improvement in this little one is inspiring!!! Now for the Perfect Home where Love, Compassion, and Tenderness is offered 24 -7 forever!!!!

  3. Please Good People of Lexington, Ky. come forward and turn in the Abuser of this Puppy!!! They need to be stopped prior to hurting other animal’s , small children, elders, and possibly special needs individual’s TOO! A person is Sick that does this type of thing!!!!

  4. Thank you the hero who found the puppy and called it in and to the heroes in animal control who are helping the pup.
    Now the abuser needs to be found.

  5. I love dogs ” people I hate” what is wrong with our society praying for a miracle and a loving home for this adorable pup.

  6. Such a precious baby…… what kind of insane, scum bucket monster just puts this sweetheart in a trash bag and walks away?!?!?!? I hope someone out there KNOWS whose animal this was and reports them!


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