Dog nearly killed after kids injected her with cocaine

kids injected dog with cocaine
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A dog nearly lost her life after kids allegedly injected her with cocaine. On March 8, the young pit bull mix was found unresponsive on a sidewalk outside of a “known” drug house in Philadelphia.

According to Faithful Friends Animal Society, the dog, dubbed Peanut, “fought for her life,” in the hours following her rescue. The rescue agency stated, “Sweet Peanut had a long night under critical care and she fought for her life. She made it through the night and showed signs of significant improvements the following morning. Her tremors have not gone away completely, but she’s now able to stand, walk, eat, and drink. Her care was transferred back to Faithful Friends, where she received constant care, continued to get fluids, and was monitored very closely.”

Testing was done on the dog and the results revealed that she had been exposed to both cocaine and THC – miraculously she was found and rescued in time to be saved. Peanut has been given a new name, Suzi, to mark the start of her new life – according to the rescue group, the formerly abused dog was adopted on March 16.

Enjoy your new life Suzi!

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More: United Airlines has another mishap with someone’s dog

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  1. Effen kids should be sent to juvenile detention if found…..This is just the beginning of a troubled life for these bastards! Hopefully they’ll overdose and die!Yup. I said it and mean it!

  2. I hope the kids that gave this poor innocent dog the drugs used drugs for themselves and they fucking die from it Low life scum bags

  3. If it’s a “known” drug house, why don’t they arrest the people there? Drugs are illegal aren’t they? Glad Suzi made it through and is living a better life now!

  4. Im so sorry Suzi, you did not deserve to be treated like that, again at the hands of cruel humans, you had a heinous crime committed against you and it’s unforgivable!

    Who could, who would ever do that to a innocent animal?
    Someone who is very sick in the head and needs to be held accountable. The only way that we will ever get a handle on these situations of abuse/ neglect) is to make these sociopaths pay and big. Put them in jail, make their punishment caring for animals (under supervision) in a shelter. Deny them of ever owning another animal, put them on a national registry list and expose their cruel faces across national media.
    We as a country should never tolerate any form of animal abuse, period and sociopaths like this need to hear that message loud and clear… Their time is up, your going to abuse/ neglect our voiceless precious animals, your going to pay!!

  5. Amazing that these druggies would waste their cocaine and THC on a dog. I’m glad she survived and has found a new home. Why no charges for this, are they just going to get away with this abuse?

    • Personally I think she sniffed a container that was dropped..How would they know she was injected when further in the article she was “exposed” to these drugs.

  6. Take these children from there parents and put them in foster care obviously they learned how to do this from seeing it done

  7. I’am hoping the people responsible for this cruelty and abuse are prosecuted and not just swept under the carpet. Banned for life from owning any other animals in the future! I only pray there are no children in the household.

  8. Okay, I’m NOT defending the pieces of shit that shot the dog full of coke, that is indefensible, and the rat-bastards that abused this poor baby deserve prison time!

    For animal abuse, not for drug abuse.

    Criminalizing drug use by adults results in only one thing, more people in prison for non-violent crimes that only affect the person using drugs.

    I’m referring ONLY to drug use by adults here, so don’t freak out about kids using drugs, etc. please.

    Even the crimes associated with selling drugs are caused by the illegality of drug use, and sales.

    If drug use were legal, and drugs sold on a regulated, controlled market, the effects on society would be remarkable!

    A huge drop in crime, police budgets being devoted to property and violent crimes, instead of punishing people for wanting to use an intoxifying substance OTHER than alcohol.

    Don’t agree with people using drugs?

    Fine, explain alcohol, please.

    Anyways, I just think it’s dumb to waste money trying to restrict the recreational use of intoxicants.

    I do not drink, I do not use drugs.

    But it isn’t my business to try to stop other adults from making their own choices.

  9. If that place is a KNOWN druggies hang out LEVEL IT…………WITH the monsters inside. They’ll be so out of it they won’t know….this is horrible. CLEAN THAT HOUSE OUT!


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