Dog named Brody holds record for longest residency at NY shelter

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So many people in the history of the world have striven to break some kind of record; not however Brody the dog.  He has never wanted to hold the record of being the longest resident at an animal shelter.

Brody, a handsome 6-7-year-old male dog, sadly holds the record of being at the Babylon Animal Shelter in Amityville, New York  the longest of any other dog. Brody arrived at the shelter in June 2015 and is still there; sitting behind the shelter walls, feeling unwanted and his hope slowly fading away.

Yet, Brody sits patiently in that cage for 23 hours a day, day after day, hoping someone will glance his way. But no matter how many shelter spotlights are done, or posts, or shares on social media, he still goes unnoticed in his kennel.  What will it take to get this boy noticed? To get someone to give him a chance? Brody is described as a tall, muscular Rhodesian Ridgeback/Rottweiler mix with a brindle colored coat. Although he is seven years old, he is quite athletic and can “run like the wind.” In addition, he is quite agile and can catch treats in the air. He’s even good at convincing you to throw the treats his way.

Brody uses his intelligent and sparkling personality to get a treat from your hand; he will gently use his paw to tell you what he wants.  He is also proficient at shaking hands and has even learned to use his paw to wave at people.

The best home for Brody is one where he will get frequent exercise and receive continued training.  He has the type of personality that will form strong bonds with people, causing him to not want to share them with strangers until he gets to know them.  The best environment for him would be one with no other dogs, cats, or kids. Often this type of criteria makes it much more difficult to find him a home, but there must be someone, somewhere who meets this criterion and can give Brody the forever home he deserves.

In the right home, he will excel and be an amazing, loving, and loyal companion for that perfect person willing to give him a fresh start.

Anyone interested in meeting Brody can go to:

Babylon Animal Shelter
80 New Highway
Amityville, New York
(631) 643-9270

You can also follow Brody’s progress on the Paws Give Me Purpose Facebook page

If you are not able to adopt, please share Brody far and wide. Sharing is caring, sharing is key to helping a dog like Brody get noticed.

As the weather turns colder, Brody sits in his kennel watching yet another change of seasons from behind a shelter wall.  Each night he lays his head on his paws thinking to himself, “I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.”


Just a ridiculously cute puppy…

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    • I live in Tulsa, OK. I’m retired with no kids, cats or dogs. If somehow I could get him shipped, I would give him the biggest Christmas doggy bone ever made. And, besides that, I need a pal just as much as he needs a home.

      • Hi kind Alice

        I am in the UK and helpless to do anything for Brody, but did you see the contact details for the shelter, in case they do not see the posts on this article? Maybe if you get in touch directly, they may be able to help you. I hope you are able to get this sweet dog.

        Babylon Animal Shelter
        80 New Highway
        Amityville, New York
        (631) 643-9270

        Much love and wishing you a wonderful Christmas holiday.

  1. Well I see at least 3 people willing to give this dog the love he seeks. Does this means he has found his forever home. I would gladly donate to get this baby shipped to his new friend.
    Please post an update to let people know that he has been adopted.
    And I also would like to thank you for keeping this sweet boy for so long. Bless you all


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