Who shot Sookie? Family seeks answers after dog is shot in the face

Family's dog shot in the face
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A family in South Carolina is seeking answers after finding their dog, Sookie, with injuries to her face. According to Live 5 News, the six-year-old pit bull suffered facial injuries after someone shot her outside of her home in Manning.

Sookie’s owners, the Carraway family, rushed their injured pet to an emergency veterinarian on Monday. A post to a Facebook group called Manning Pets describes the dog’s injuries:

The bullet went through her face and nose, and broke her jaw. She struggles to eat and drink, and to breathe when laying down, so resting is difficult. As you can imagine, her snout was damaged badly, and the swelling is better, but still significant. Swelling has decreased in her right eye.

Sookie’s owner told Live 5 News, “Sookie is an amazing dog who wouldn’t harm a soul. We just want to know what would make someone deliberately shoot her in the face. My family and I are constantly checking on her to make sure she is comfortable. We are praying for a full recovery for her.”

The Clarendon County Sheriff’s Office was notified about this cruel situation and an animal cruelty investigation is underway. Anyone with information is asked to reach out to the local authorities.

(Image via Manning Pets/Facebook)

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  1. Dogsbite vermin, anyone?

    I hope they catch the scumbag soon. Too bad there’s no reciprocal punishment when it comes to filth like this.

  2. These are the gun happy scums that should never be allowed to own a gun let alone shoot one. Find out who did this and put them in jail and make them pay all the vet bills for this lovely dog. These things are worthless.

  3. Next the Evil, Hateful, Vile low life that shot this little girl, will shoot a person walking down the street, an elder, child, mother and baby just to see how it feels…. ONE More Psychopath in a state already filled with them!!! What a sick! sick! place to try and survive in!!! Drugs, and pathological homicidal minds have taken the freedom from the entire population, and the companion animals some people cherish!!!

  4. The article doesn’t say if the dog was in a fenced yard, tethered, or loose. Where were her owners? While I blame the monster(s) who actually shot her, people need to pay closer attention to their pets when they are outside. I can’t even imagine what I’d do if someone hurt one of my dogs when they were in our fenced yard.

  5. This is horrible for this precious dog…….. HOWEVER….. I am a FIRM believer that it does not matter if you live far out in the country…… do not let your pets roam freely!!!!! There are just too many things that can happen if they are not secured in your home or your yard. By looking at this picture, I do not see a fence in the yard….. she should have been protected and not out in the open where monsters roam…..
    Prayers for her recovery….and that her guardians take better control of her. Letting them roam is just to large of a risk.

  6. I hope Sookie makes a complete recovery – someone knows who this knuckle dragger is – if it were my dog that bastard would have that gun shoved so far up their butt, it would take surgery to get it out.

  7. Anyone nearby with cameras that might have caught a glimpse of the perp? All animals in that neighborhood are in danger. Animals anywhere near this sewer scum are in sever danger. Hope there is prosecution. Poor Sookie. Wish i could kiss her boo boos away.


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