‘Pedals’ the bipedal bear believed to have been killed by hunter

Pedals the bear believed to be dead
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Pedals, a bipedal bear in New Jersey, is believed to have been shot and killed by a hunter. The death of the bear, who gained widespread attention because he walked upright like a human, was announced on Friday morning.

The Facebook page, Pedals the Injured Bipedal Bear, made the sad announcement to followers:

PEDALS IS DEAD. The hunter who has wanted him dead for nearly 3 years had the satisfaction of putting an arrow through him, bragging at the station. The very place where they weighed him, examined his legs, confirmed it was “the bi-pedal”. Where there were two biologists on hand taking many many pictures. PEDALS IS DEAD.

A hunter is believed to have killed Pedals during a bow hunt on Monday. Officials have not yet confirmed that the bear has truly been killed, reported North Jersey News. The news of Pedals death came from a social media post that a hunter allegedly made announcing Pedals’ death.

Pedals had been roaming in the Oak Ridge and Rockaway areas for two years – many people hoped to see the bear, who walked upright due to injured paws, relocated to a sanctuary, but local officials dismissed the idea.

Click here to read more about Pedals the bear on Facebook.



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