Dog’s pitiful condition will leave you ashamed of the human race

Dog's pitiful condition will leave you ashamed
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A bedraggled dog, dubbed Stetson, has been shown little, if any, kindness in his life – in fact, his pitiful condition may leave you ashamed of the human race. Stetson’s body is a roadmap of misery – his eyes, a glimpse into hopelessness and despair.

This week, the Forgotten Pet Advocates were made aware of Stetson’s presence by a good Samaritan, who unlike others, took the time to reach out for help.

The organization expressed disgust with the people who allowed Stetson to deteriorate so badly:

Tears when we saw him. HE DID NOT DESERVE THIS ! Abuse, Neglect and Hatred. All of the people that saw him and threw rocks at him to chase him away. I am ashamed of the human race right now. People see a dog in this kind of condition and quickly look the other way, let him be someone else’s problem.

And commented on the severity of Stetson’s condition:

Although we have no fosters, we knew we had to help him.
“Stetson” was transported this am to our Vet, where he will start a long – process and treatment.
We are not sure if this sweetie will make it through this, but we must give him the chance. He is so weak right now, he can’t get up and walk on his own.

Stetson is finally going to receive the care that he needs – if you would like to help donate towards his veterinary costs you can make a contribution at this link.

(Note – Stetson is in the Houston, Texas area)

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  1. God bless Stetson!! This precious fur baby deserves to be loved and adored not neglected and ignored!! I will be praying for him,healing prayers for a complete recovery and a safe and loving home! GET WELL SOON SWEET STETSON

  2. that is cruel of those humans that ignored the poor dog and no one help and just pass by ,i’am so ashamed of those humans the dog do not desserve to be hated by those people.the dog now needs help and i;am hoping stetson made it .he needs a loving home hopes he recovers for all the pains that he is in now god bless you stetson


  4. Texas again! Stetson, I’m sorry humanity failed you. I pray for your speedy recovery and hope you find a forever loving home.

  5. OMG what horrible people are to ignore this dog. Bad karma to those that owned him and who ignored his needs. Positive thoughts going out for his comfortable recovery. Please keep us posted Penny Eims .

  6. It IS A KNOWN FACT that TEXAS IS in the TOP 5 STATES in OUR USA that is BEYOND BELIEF FOR THE CRUEL<HORRIFIC< MAIMING< AMPUTATIONS< BURNING< STARVING<BEATING the POPULATION of ANIMALS!!! This is JUST one more sad example of the extreme neglect a very gentle and loving animal that has been seriously endangered b;y a No STAR STATE BASTARD!!! Governor Gary ABBOTT is such a PIECE OF WORK he just turns his "pointed, brainless, little head" !!


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