Dog stays on chair after family dumps her with the trash

Dog abandoned with chair and trash
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A dog in Houston, Texas, clung to the one thing that reminded her of the family who left her behind – a teal chair dumped on a sidewalk. The dog, a young pit bull mix, was rescued thanks to compassionate people who couldn’t bear to see her abandoned and alone.

The rescue effort was recorded and posted to Facebook on Friday – an explanation accompanied the heartbreaking video which shows the dog’s loyalty to the family who decided that she wasn’t worth taking with them:

This is some of the footage of the rescue that just took place. This dog was dumped by her owners at the dumpster along with their chair and other belongings and she has been waiting here day and night for them to return!

A Facebook user by the name of Alaina wrote:

Anyway this very amazing lady named Diahann Vega Ochoa reached out to me and we were able to get the dog safely into my car. I am hoping to take her to Westbury animal hospital and at least board her for a couple of days so I can Network.

The dog has been taken to a veterinarian for an exam and vaccinations and is being boarded until arrangements can be made. You can view the Facebook thread for this rescue effort here.

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  1. Wonderful woman and perfect example of what to do for an animal that has literally been dumped like trash and abandoned by their so-called family. There should be charges brought against this family for abandoning their pet and pay for any services needed until he is adopted. Hope they are miserable where ever they went.

  2. Amazingly heartless people and then Amazingly good and kind people. Thank you to those who have a good heart. I hope those people who dumped this sweet dog are charged and arrested. NO ONE SHOULD GET AWAY WITH THIS.

  3. If I was President, I’d issue an executive order: ALL crimes involving animal neglect, abuse, abandonment, would be felonies, capital crimes. I’d haul out Old Sparky and put it do good use. No plea deals, no early release, no parole, no pardons.

  4. Diahann….bless you sweet lady for saving this beautiful animal who was so heartlessly dumped by the monsters who owned her. Karma will hopefully find them and make sure they end up homeless and unwanted on the street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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