Today is an extra special day for your lovable pet

National Love Your Pet Day
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Every day spent in the company of a beloved pet is wonderful, but did you know that there is a special day just for pets? February 20 (yep today!) is National Love Your Pet Day – a holiday to celebrate our quirky, cuddly, silly, faithful pets. Those incredible creatures who make our lives better, just by their mere presence.

What might you do to celebrate your treasured companion? Maybe a special outing – perhaps a car ride to Starbucks for a puppucino, or a long walk, or maybe even a hike or a trip to the beach.

Most of us celebrate our sweet furry friends everyday – but just like the popular “human” holiday to celebrate the ones that we love, (yep, Valentine’s Day) our four-legged companions get a special day too. It’s only fair isn’t it? Most people would actually rather spend their time with their cat or dog, so it seems fitting that these special creatures get their own day to be celebrated.

As the popular saying goes…”A house is not a home without a pet.”

Here is to all the wonderfully awesome pets out there, and the amazing humans who love them. Happy Love Your Pet Day!

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  1. WE have this Holiday “Love YOUR Pet!” 365 days a year and ONE DAY of QUADRUPLE LOVE every LEAP YEAR!!! I will tell my guys that this is a Special Day though and give them an extra treat JUST in the spirit of the occasion!!!

  2. ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????


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