Dying man turns to Facebook to find his beloved dog a home

Dying man turned to Facebook to find dog a home
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On Friday, a Texas man, dying from stage four liver cancer, turned to Facebook in a desperate attempt to find his beloved dog, Diego, a new home. Walter Hollier posted several photos of his beloved companion to his Facebook page on Friday, along with a few words about his dire situation:

My name is Walt Hollier and this a pic of my dog Diego. 6 months ago I was Diagnosed with liver cancer,stage 4, terminal. I was given 3 to 6 months to live. So in all likelihood, I will be leaving this world soon.I must find Diego a caring and loving home.

According to Hollier, eight-year-old Diego is still in great health and he loves people, as well as running, playing and rides in cars. The last thing that Hollier wanted was to be separated from his dog – but knowing that his time was running short, he wanted nothing more than the comfort of knowing that Diego would be well taken care of after he was gone.

Suffice to say, the Facebook post went “viral,” being shared widely across social media, and Hollier’s dying wish was quickly granted. Hollier explained:

Thanks to all you wonderful people,I have found Diego a wonderful home. I have received over 1300 responses and over 100 request for adoption.You folks are amazing, and have restored my faith in Humanity. God bless each and every one of you for the kindness you have bestowed me. And I hope thier is a special place in heaven for all of you.

According to NBC 25 News, Hollier’s viral post made its way to the Last Resort Recovery Center, where men go to recover from addition. The center agreed to take Diego in, and on Sunday, the sprightly dog was dropped off at his new home. Handing Diego over to a new home was understandably difficult, but Hollier was buoyed by the response to his plea for help, saying that it had “renewed” his faith in mankind.

(Image via Walter Hollier/Facebook page)

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Continue reading: Indiana man brutally beat four-month-old puppy

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  1. I am so sorry to hear that you have been Diagnosed with liver cancer,stage 4, terminal and.was given only 3 to 6 months to live.
    But!!!! glad that Diego has found a new home to go to.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers/
    Have shared this story on FACE BOOK

  2. This is a selfless man who wanted to make sure his beloved dog is taken care of before he leaves this world. God bless you and I’m sure you’ll see each other again on the rainbow bridge.

  3. Bless whom ever took Diego into their home for the remainder of his life. I can’t imagine the pain this man endured having to hand his beloved dog over to new humans. Poor Diego must be confused, wondering why his human is gone, his belongings, familiar smells, sounds, household. Sure having his bed, bowls, toys is comforting but still different from ‘home’. Thank you so much for taking him into your family, for giving his human peace and the knowledge that his baby will be taken great care of. Please post updates as to how he’s doing. To his human: bless you for doing the right thing and ensuring Diego will be taken care of. I know it was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. I’m praying for you, praying your pain free and at peace as you fight for your life. I to have liver cancer, am at stage 3 cancer with stage 4 Cirrhosis and waiting on a transplant. Have been on the list for almost 2 years. They say the wait time averages 2 1/2 – 3 years to find a compatible liver. Just praying I last that long until one is found. I have 3 dogs and 3 birds, have left instructions in life insurance that stipulates X amount goes to a rescue for dogs and birds. Also stipulated all dogs stay together for their lifetimes, birds too. Don’t want them stressed anymore then they will be being without me in a new place. They were #1 priority in my planning for their future. I hope you find happiness and joy for your time left. I’m here if you ever want to talk with someone going through the same thing your going through. God Bless you…

  4. With all the baby stuff our politicians are doing, things like this matter so much more. This man is dying and his first thought is his precious friend. I am so glad he has found his companion a home and that his life will be surrounded with love. God bless Walt Hollier for the love and caring he has given Diego all these years and the unselfishness of his actions. Diego will always carry a part of Mr. Hollier with him.

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  6. Mr. Walter Hollier: My sincere thanks to you for your devotion and love to Diego – your priority was not for yourself it was for your beloved dog – if we had more people like you in this world it would surely be a better place. You can now be comforted knowing Diego is safe – may the remainder of your time be one of peace and contentment. May God be with you.


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