Two men accused of burning caged monkey alive

Men accused of burning caged monkey alive
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Two men in Barbados are accused of burning a caged monkey alive. According to multiple sources, 30-year-old Rico Jamar Maynard and 36-year-old Matthew Omar Downes are the men accused of the heinous act of cruelty.

Maynard and Downes allegedly doused the caged juvenile monkey and accelerant and then lit him on fire – the horrific incident was recorded on video and shared on the social media platform known as WhatsApp, reports Nation News.

The men are charged with wantonly and cruelly abusing, torturing and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal, a monkey in contravention of Section 3 Subsection (1) clause (a) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act Chapter 144A.

The men were due in court on April 30.

(Image via Pixabay)

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  1. WHY??? Pure evil……… these POSs have reserved places in the hottest part of Hell waiting for them. They will burn forever for their cruelty…….


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