Update: Pup found with mouth bound shut with rubber band making heartwarming recovery

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It was less than 48 hours ago, when 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades of Florida came to the rescue of a 10-pound terrier found in Fort Lauderdale with his mouth bound shut with a rubber band and a thick laced string.

The dog, dubbed Larry, was rushed to the organization’s partner veterinarian. Sadly, no one in the area where he was found knew anything, and worst of all – no one had any idea how long the dog’s snout had been bound shut.

Larry was rushed to the rescue organization’s partner veterinarian where he was sedated and the embedded band was removed. The three-year-old terrier mix was administered pain medication and anti-inflammatory medications. No one knows what really happened to Larry, but the bruising on his head and face accompanied by a huge amount of swelling from his mouth having been bound shut told a tragic story of neglect and abuse.

So many dogs would be frightened and show some aggression as a result of the trauma they had suffered, but not Larry. Check out this video:

(Please click the link above) Larry is truly a gentle soul and very grateful for his new friends.


And how about this video? Here Larry had fallen asleep after his spa experience, his chicken dinner and a soft and loving massage.


Read original story here.

To inquire about giving this sweet loving baby boy a forever loving home, please email:


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Mailing address is

100 Plus Animal Rescue Inc

17101 77th lane N Loxahatchee Florida 33470




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And our Ongoing Mission

Florida Department of Agriculture CH36663100 plus Animal Rescue Inc.

17101 77th lane N Loxahatchee Florida 33470

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Doggo getting good laugh at kitty’s Easter costume?

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  1. If Larry can come to Washington state, we can foster him with our pack of small rescues.

    PS: we LOVE older dogs, especially chihuahuas!!! They all get lots of love and attention from us here.


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