UPDATE: ‘Fire breathing demon dog’ has found perfect home with perfect new mom

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At the Niagara SPCA in Niagara Falls, New York, Ralphie waited for a home. The 26-pound, black and white pooch is pretty darn adorable, but there’s more to this little guy than meets the eye.

According to the rescue organization, everything belonged to Ralphie, and if you dared to challenge him, his wrath ensued. And even though the staff at the rescue organization are quite adept at composing positive stories about the ones needing home, the good points about Ralphie seemed to have been few and far between. It’s as if Ralphie’s cuteness in the past rewarded him – too cute perhaps to have ever been disciplined, and that all led to the “fire-breathing demon” they all see today.

When the story went out about Ralphie’s questionable disposition, of course it went viral. Sure, everyone looked at that irresistible face, and had no idea that this little fellow could be so disagreeable, but Ralphie’s video proved to be quite convincing.


On Sunday, the organization updated us, but before the happy news was to be revealed, they wanted to make sure there were no injury reports.

He’s amazing. I was literally questioning where the name ‘demon dog’ came from…& then I saw a few things … although, i’m pretty convinced it’s nothing we can’t work on and get figured out.

Ralphie’s new mom

His new mom does realize the pup is a “nipper’ and is working on a lot of “reinforcement chats.” And of course, Ralphie has his own schedule it would seem:

I’m currently tying a bell on a door because he keeps going to the door to go outside. We worked on that All day yesterday. He’s learning to potty outside which is amazing that it’s so quick… I get it, he prefers the carpet for his poops instead of the ice cold on his paws. I understand, and yet he’s still learning despite this frigid weather.

New mommy for Ralphie

The new mom’s secret weapon – HOTDOGS, and that’s been a quite effective training treat, and it is hoped to encourage this amazing little canine cherub to want to continue his training.

He is amazing, and he found a happy place with me becaue he saved me as much as i saved him…i feel blessed!

New mommy for Ralphie

Read the original article here.

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Slowly he moves forward.
Rare pink elephant baby.

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