Lost dog in Texas found her way to former shelter and rang the doorbell for help

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A lost dog in Texas found her way back to her family when the ingenious canine figured out how to get help. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

According to the Animal Rescue League of El Paso, in January, rescue pooch Bailey disappeared from her new home. Her very worried new parents contacted the rescue organization and told them about their lost dog. And to help find the dog, the shelter posted about Bailey on social media to help find her.

URGENT- This beautiful girl- Bailey- has gotten loose in the area of Mesa and Sunland Park, on the west side. She is very friendly. If you spot her or find her, please call 915-892-9695 immediately


Now here comes the amazing part! One week ago, Bailey surprised the shelter and returned to the front door. And if you’re still not completely amazed – Bailey rang the doorbell!

Bailey is now safe. To all those who searched, spotted, called, hoped – we thank you. As we know, dogs are incredible. Bailey made her own way back to ARL and rang our ring doorbell at 1:15 am, saying she wanted in. Staff rushed to the shelter and put Bailey in her run.

this morning Bailey was letting everyone know she was home and wanted in. Sad not sad. She lived at the shelter for soooo long this was home to her. She felt safe here. When she got loose she was on a mission to get home.


Bailey’s new home was ten miles away from the shelter, and it is and will remain a mystery how Bailey figured this all out. Everyone continues to ask – “HOW DID SHE KNOW?” No one except Bailey has the answer to that one, but once again, isn’t it just true that we (humans) just don’t deserve dogs?

Bailey is now back with her family and is settling in just fine!

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