Idaho game warden shot and killed pet dogs that had attacked elk calves

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In southeastern Idaho, by order from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), a game warden shot and killed pet dogs after they mauled two elk calves near the town of Chubbuck.

According to the organization’s press release, the only solution to stopping the attack was to kill the dogs.

A conservation Officer arrived to find two dogs had killed a calf elk and were attacking a second calf elk, which later died from the injuries.

Press release

Unfortunately, there had been other elk in the area including more calves. The young deer, elk, pronghorn and other animals are especially vulnerable at this time of year as they are trying to survive the harsh Eastern Idaho winter with prolonged cold spells and deep snow.

It is illegal for dogs to harass wildlife, and it is important owners keep their dogs confined or leashed to prevent the young wildlife from being injured and dying. State statutes authorize the game wardens to kill any dogs tracking, pursuing, harassing, attacking or killing any big game animal.

The game warden also shot and killed two elk calves that had been suffering from their injuries caused by the dogs.

The owner of the dogs has been notified.

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