Update on Serval cat running loose with broken leg saved by Boston animal rescue organization

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Just one week ago, the Boston Community Outreach team had been notified about a limping Serval spotted several times over the last few days in Lincoln, Massachusetts. When a local resident called and said the African cat was in his back yard, the rescue team mobilized in order to capture and help the cat.

According to MSPCA-Angell, it is illegal to own a Serval as a pet in Massachusetts. It is not known how long this cat, now named Bruno had been roaming on his own, but he is thin and his leg has a critical break which occurred several months ago.

Bruno will be transferred to Wildcat Sanctuary, an accredited rescue for wild cats in need. Sadly, however Bruno’s broken leg can not be repaired, and he will soon undergo surgery to amputate his hind leg (and be neutered at the same time). Upon his recovery, Bruno will be traveling to his new home where he will be able to live in a natural environment, receive enrichment, vet care and the proper nutrition he deserves.

To contribute for his care, please click here.

Check out the video:


Read the original article here.

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