Ukrainian soldiers rescue stray puppy who has become their faithful watchdog

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A viral video capturing the heartwarming story of Rambo, a stray puppy rescued from the cold temperatures by Ukrainian soldiers in Donbass, has garnered more than 3.7 million views.

According to the Independent, a group of soldiers found the poor pup freezing and scared. One of the soldiers scooped him up into his arms, and from that moment on, the puppy knew he was safe. On February 16, the story of the pup named Rambo went viral.

The internet closely watched the tiny black pup with stripes along his belly and his legs running around the base.

He is our protector. Right, Rambo?

YouTube video

It seems that Rambo lets his soldier buddies know when a stranger approaches. The small but mighty little hero is one loyal soldier protecting his humans and of course, his freedom.

Rambo also supplies lots of love and smiles in a terribly stressful environment. Who doesn’t smile when they watch him prancing around the camp as if he had no cares at all? And Rambo isn’t alone either. His older siblings have taken on similar roles.

Muha (Fly), Babai and Malisha (Baby) stay by the soldiers, providing companionship, tenderness, protection and love.

Missing home, of course, been here for a little too long now.

You Tube video

Watch Rambo’s story here, and please share it.

Via Freedom News.

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