Brazilian priest brings stray dogs to masses to help them find homes

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Father João Paulo Araujo Gomes, who is the head of the parish of Santana in the city of Gravatá in Brazil, has served in the Diocese of Caruaru since 2013 and brings his own extra passion for helping abandoned street dogs with him. In a recent Redditt post by a reader of the MakeMeSmile forum, the compassionate priest was shown helping abandoned dogs off the streets, feeding and bathing them and then bringing them to mass with him to find new homes. Many dogs have found new homes thanks to the priest.

Father João Paulo temporarily houses the dogs in his rectory off the streets. Some can even be seen sleeping in his bed, but every Sunday he brings them to church and finds them a well received spot where the parishioners are sure to see them. For instance, one dog might be seen sitting in front of the altar, and it surely hasn’t been unusual to see the dogs turn over for belly rubs and head pats during mass.

They will always be able to enter, sleep, eat, drink their water and find shelter and protection, for this house is of God and they are of God.

Father João Paulo Facebook

The priest encourages his parishioners to bring the dogs home for trial adoptions and to introduce them to their neighbors with hopes of securing adoptions for other stray dogs.

According to Bored Panda, the priest has rescued and saved several dogs with serious health problems.

Some of them I brought to the parish houses and they were later adopted. Three of them stayed with me. Today, they are my children and sleep in my bed.

Father João Paulo Facebook

And although all of the stray dogs of Gravata have not been rescued, Father João Paulo demonstrates to all of us how each of us can take our part and make a difference helping those who cannot speak.

Good deeds often go unnoticed, but a photo of the priest holding one of his rescued dogs recently went viral on social media and garnered thousands of approving “likes” and comments. Amazing deeds like these make our hearts smile – don’t you think?

See more about Father João Paulo on Facebook here.

(Image credits: Father João Paulo Facebook)

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