Update on Kringle: Puppy that has been ‘to hell and back’

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A tiny puppy, only six weeks old when rescued from Mexico, has been “to hell and back,” however his recovery continues to amaze even the most stalwart supporters and veterinarians. And now at 12-weeks-old, Kringle is out of the hospital and will be continuing his recovery at his foster home.

When found in late December, Kringle had been severely burned, and his ears had nearly been cut away. Fly larvae had settled in his ears, and the puppy was so dehydrated veterinarians were not able to locate a vein to start an intravenous drip, and instead resorted to using a catheter to administer SubQ fluids. And if that wasn’t enough to make a tiny puppy cry out in pain, he suffered from severe septicemia (blood poisoning); he needed a miracle to survive.

The puppy’s recovery was difficult. Every other day he had surgery to remove the dead, burned skin. Weeks later he was transferred to another hospital for more specialized treatment, however Kringle made lots of friends and enjoyed the parts of his recovery efforts that included peanut butter treats and tiny morsels from the staff’s own lunches.

Kringle’s first skin transplant involved using fish skin, but at the same time his eyes began to bulge out of his head because he didn’t have eyelids to keep them moist. Again, a surgical team operated on the pup and made him eyelids, but sutured his eyes shut for more than a week to help them heal. Sadly, one eyelid did not work out as surgeons had planned.

Kringle still has a long way to go, and for now he will be getting ointment in his eyes regularly and will return to the hospital every three days for bandage changes and an update on his recovery. Next week, he will be evaluated by an ophthalmologist to learn more about the condition of his eyes that were burned during his egregious mistreatment and abuse.

“Kringle’s eyes are open, but the flaps they pulled the skin from remain sutured. He has a bit of cloudiness in his problematic left eye, and will remain on drops.”

Check out Kringle’s video. (copy and paste the url into your browser to view)


No one knows who abused Kringle and likely the person(s) will never be apprehended or punished for this horrific crime. Fortunately this puppy is one of the lucky ones. If you see something, say something. Be the voice for those who cannot speak.

Read original story when Kringle was first rescued here.

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  1. Kringle never had a fish skin transplant. They intended to and had it ready, but, whilst operating on him, the surgeon felt that his skin was already healing well enough not to require it, so the fish skin was never used. (I have been following his progress daily from the beginning).

  2. Whoever did this WILL BE PUNISHED by our Creator…..GOD. While it seems like a tiny piece to hold on to, just KNOW that God sees ALL and forgets NOTHING. He warns ALL of us REPEATEDLY, that since He is EVERYWHERE and a part of EVERYONE, including His precious animals, everything done is SEEN by God as He is IN YOU. So when this VILE THUG has his appointment with God, ANY EXCUSE or LIE will be quickly unraveled as God SHOWS through their EYES EXACTLY what they DID and what their thoughts WERE at the time. PERIOD! NO ONE can undo THAT!


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