Surrendered 9-week-old Basset hound puppy showing symptoms of deadly parvovirus

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A nine-week-old Basset hound puppy was surrendered to Beauties and Beasts, Inc. on Monday evening after he had been exposed to the deadly Parvovirus, and his owner could no longer care for him. Sadly, two of his littermates had already succumbed to the virus.

The rescue organization had hoped this puppy, named Watson would escape the same fate; on Monday he had not been exhibiting any symptoms. Could it really be Watson was fine?

On Tuesday morning, Watson began vomiting and dry heaving. At this time he refuses to eat or drink and is very lethargic – all telltale signs of Parvo. He has been rushed to the veterinarian hospital as soon as they opened.

The last three puppies under the care of Beauties and Beasts – Honor, Hero and Victory, have all recovered from the virus, however treatment and care is costly. It is estimated Watson’s care will cost from $800 to $1,500. This little puppy needs everyone’s help.

To donate to his veterinary care:

136 s pattie street
Wichita, KS 67211

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