Stray dog used to be invisible and not one person helped her until the world had mercy on her

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Stella had been invisible to the world for months. The two-year-old dog didn’t have a name or a home, and everyday she struggled to survive -all in a rural Texas city left scavenging for scraps of food to stave off the hunger pains. Her nails were so long she could barely walk, her body full of fleas, ticks and parasites inside and out, and her eyes so infected she could barely see. Stella was about to give up, but the world had mercy on her.
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ThisIsHouston picked Stella up from the shelter, and she immediately curled up into a ball on the towels. She just loved having a clean, dry place to rest. She didn’t cry out during the ride to the shelter.
“She has sarcoptic mange and is 90% hairless. She’s got so much gunky discharge in her eyes that she can’t even see out of them. She was picked up as a stray yesterday by Harris County Animal Shelter. The shelter said she’s been so defeated and she doesn’t even move or walk. She just snuggles up into a ball and slept. They couldn’t even heartworm test her because her skin is so painful.”
Stella is currently at Vergi 24/7 where she is being administered intravenous fluids, antibiotics and pain medications. She is most likely anemic and dehydrated and will be getting the best life saving treatment possible.
Stella is truly a diamond in the rough, and we can’t wait to see her transformation! Her new friends think she might be another husky. We will see.
To donate to Stella:
Call Vergi at 713-932-9589
Venmo @ThisIsHouston
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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  1. TEXANS: love to beat, rape, starve and EXPLOIT ALL animals, MOST little girls and women. These ROTTEN to the core demons BRAG about ALL the laws they break and how wonderfully Christian, aka NAZI’S, it is of their MEN to SADISTICALLY lord over anyone seen as weak. Their OWN law enforcement and other leaders believe they have the RIGHT: to overturn LEGITIMATE votes from the REST of the country just because THEY didn’t get THEIR WAY, to come in to YOUR home, BEAT, maim or shoot YOU, murder YOUR dogs, then laugh about it, claiming they did a good job. May God’s hand of Justice find this demon spawned state with CEASELESS hurricanes, tornadoes, and MASSIVE FLOODS. God sees ALL and forgets NOTHING!

  2. Stella is rescued by a fantastic rescue team!!! In a few weeks she will be much improved. I hope she recovers fully ASAP and is rehomed into a loving furever family where she will be treated as a beloved family member!!!


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