Rescued dogs get to pick out their own Christmas presents and it’s purely delightful

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At Dogs Trust Ireland, rescued pooches have left us smiling from ear to ear after a video of the excited dogs chose their Christmas toys from a roomful of gifts in a delightful display of adorableness.

After the staff in the Dublin rescue organization spread out all of the donated toys in rows, they let the dogs – one by one out in the training barn to choose their own favorite toy and bring it back to their kennel. And so the video started to roll – and one by one the festivities began. Each dog seemed to have their own method of choosing a toy too – some dogs sniffed and sniffed while others just ran for their favorite. Still others jumped up and down, and really who knew how they came to their decisions, but it was heartwarming to say the say the least.

One dog couldn’t make up his mind, while another proud pooch chose his toy – a ball and proudly showed it off. Still another dog couldn’t decide which toy he wanted and tried chewing on two of them to figure out his preferred squeaky pal. Hmmm.. should he choose the cow or the chicken?

It’s finally #SantaPawsDay – the day all our dogs get to pick their own Christmas present! We couldn’t squeeze them all in, but we hope you smile as much watching this as we did recording it. To all our supporters and everyone who sent a Santa Paws present for the dogs, thank you so much, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas, from all the dogs and the humans at Dogs Trust!

Dogs Trust Ireland

The cutest part of the program had to be when the dogs trotted over to their caretaker to show off their new toy.

YOU don’t want to miss this video:

This is by far the most adorable video ever posted!

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