Puppy beaten over head and kept locked up for months left paralyzed now getting much needed help

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In Chula Vista, California, a young Belgian Malinois had been repeatedly beaten over the head by his previous owner. And if that wasn’t enough abuse, the paralyzed puppy was locked in a kennel cage and nearly starved to death.

The puppy, named Champ was removed from his owner and temporarily placed in a foster care situation until a rescue organization could help:

“He does have feeling in his backs and he tried to get up, he went to the vet yesterday and he said he was hit in the back of his head and that’s why he lost in someway communication with his legs, he send him vitamins and medication and recommend to start with physical therapy, he’s vaccinated and had the distemper and parvo test already.
The foster started giving him physical therapy yesterday and he said the puppy responded well.”
The former owner has denied  he did anything, however the x-rays reveal significant issues likely associated with abuse. A veterinarian has confirmed Champ sustained blunt-force trauma after being hit in the back of his head. The injury resulted in severe damage to the puppy’s neuro system; contributing to the loss of mobility in his legs.

According to TLC K9Rescue, who have stepped up to help the puppy, Champ is too young and not strong enough to undergo any intensive surgical treatments at this time.

For the good news, Champ has tested negative for Distemper and Parvovirus and has been vaccinated for both. He also demonstrates some movement in his limbs. His recovery is expected to be an extensive uphill battle. He is currently scheduled to be examined by an orthopedic specialist in a few weeks, to see what can be done to give him the best quality of life.

Champ will need an MRI to help with an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan. Donations are needed. Check out a few of this puppy’s videos first:

“I’m a happy puppy; please help me get well.”


“I can stand up; look at me!”


“I wanna play with the other dogs.”


To donate:

Venmo at TLC_K9Rescue
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  1. Sounds like you’re in good hands sweet boy and with such a positive reaction to treatment, you’ve surmounted one of the biggest hurdles in recovery. I sure hope officials are as interested in punishing this demon spawned ass wipe as they usually are in Cali. If this lying thug has mental problems, I hope he’s forced to get help as a part of their demands for his punishment. THIS is unacceptable as NO LIVING BEING deserves to be beaten over the head/starved until almost dead…..PERIOD!


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