People fed up with cruelty after nail salon inserts live fish into false nails

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People on social media have become fed up with animal cruelty after a nail salon used a live fish and inserted it into a fake nail. Nail Sunny is no stranger to posting some wild designs, but a video they posted recently brought about a lot of nasty comments and accusations from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

According to the Nail Sunny Instagram account, a technician can be seen in a video attaching a tiny aquarium to a person’s nail. The tiny pool held a drop or two of liquid, and then came the tiny fish inserted into the tub. The nail was not sealed however, and the fish was released into a much larger tank.

It wasn’t long before netizens weighed in:

“Even for fun it’s not cool.”

And another:

“I really enjoy watching these videos, but for real this was just too much.”

Had the nail been sealed, the fish would have starved or suffocated to death.

A later video explained this had all been a publicity stunt, however PETA weighed in on the cruelty of the needless beauty accessory and calling the salon out for introducing the idea.

Of course, Nail Sunny responded that no fish were harmed and all were returned to the pet store. Truly, people who want their nails done with original ideas can do better than to submit any living creature to cruelty.

(Photos via nail_sunny/Instagram)

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  1. With ALL the good one can embrace in a world FULL of turbulence, violence against Asians (and they wonder WHY they’re attacked, just look at ALL the b.s. antics Asians use to ABUSE ANIMALS of ALL kinds), kids being SLAUGHTERED at their desks because of the NRA’S NAZI business agenda, gang murders/rapes at ALL time highs, etc., and THIS is HOW YOU choose to use your creative side?! DISGUSTING, EVIL and WHOLLY UNAMERICAN! It is YOU that ought to be s*********d! PERIOD!

  2. Not funny at all……. I guess these nail polish professionals don’t want to buy fish themed nail art decals or directly paint the fish designs on the nails……

    I hope the fish are doing well in spite of the little water experience……..

    I still can’t understand why this was considered a “good idea”…….. SMH!!!!


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