Hawk tried to snatch Chihuahua in front of her Missouri City home

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In Missouri City, Texas, a red-tailed hawk swooped down to grab a tiny Chihuahua puppy in his powerful talons this week. Twelve-week-old Lola had been out in the sunshine in her front yard when the hawk attacked.

According to Khou11News, the puppy’s owner, Kathryn Garver didn’t see the hawk until it was right on top of the puppy. Fortunately she was only a few feet away and spotted the bird trying to pluck her four-pound puppy up into the air and carry it off with its talons. The hawk missed on its first attempt.

“It felt like he was right there. It was so fast. It just happened so fast, and I honestly thought he had gotten her. I’m chasing her because she’s freaking out and so I grab her and that’s whenever I see that he’s still in the tree.”

Garver tp Khou11 News

It is rare that hawks swoop down to grab a pet, but a word of caution to never leave pets outside by themselves. In addition to hawks, there are many predators outdoors ranging from coyotes to unleashed dogs roaming the neighborhood.

Scary stuff! Be careful everyone.

Check out the video here.


(Photos and video via Facebook)

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  1. I grew up with predators who were always very interested in “stray or inattentive” pets (& for that matter people……. Bears and mountain lions will definitely attack people)…… one must be extra vigilant with small dogs and cats. Nothing is so sad as seeing “lost pet notices” in the grocery store or post office……..

    My parents had very strict rules for caring for our furbabies. Thank goodness for their caution. Our furbabies all passed away from “old age” vs. killed by predators……..

    Even though this chihuahua is living in a city, there ARE huge birds of prey everywhere (they DO fly to swoop down quickly and snag unwary pets)……..

    I would advise to always have this precious little treasure on a lead when outdoors AND to NEVER allow this precious little furbaby to be outside alone……..


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