Five-month-old puppy suffering broken bones from blunt force trauma to front paws still charming with goofy personality

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MacGregor is a five-month-old puppy who arrived at the Kentucky Humane Society last week from an overcrowded local shelter desperately needing medical attention. He suffered from broken metacarpal bones in both his right and left front paws – unusual injuries, and most likely a result of blunt force trauma.

Known for his charming disposition and goofy personality, it was originally thought MacGregor would need major surgery to repair the broken bones. An examination with the orthopedic specialist had been scheduled, and more radiographs of his forelimbs brought an unexpected prognosis and very good news.

“Incredibly, the veterinarian found that MacGregor’s limbs were starting to mend themselves! When an animal is very young and the bones are still growing, sometimes they can be splinted well enough where the limbs will begin to straighten themselves out as they grow. Not wanting to perform a surgery that may be unnecessary for the young puppy, they put new splints on him, and let him wake up on his own. He will remain in his casts for 3 more weeks and is on restricted activity for 8 weeks and not allowed to run, jump, use stairs or have any vigorous activity during that time.”

Kentucky Humane Society

MacGregor is now going to his foster home, and will be returning to the vet hospital for follow-up radiographs to ensure his bones are healing correctly. If all goes well, he will not need surgery.

Get well soon little guy.

To donate to MacGregor’s care, please click here.

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