Dog found hanging by a cable around his neck nearly killing him

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In  Helena-West Helena, Arkansas, a dog was rescued on Tuesday after he was found hanging by his neck in his owner’s backyard. The Humane Society of the Delta in Helena-West Helena were called out to the home after a neighbor said the dog had been acting aggressively.

When Reta Merritt, the director of the human organization arrived at the home, he spotted the dog with a cable cutting into its neck causing his head to swell. When rushed to the veterinarian hospital, it was not known if the dog would survive. Fortunately, with expert care and a strong will to live Big Bear is recovering.

According to the owner of Big Bear, it was an accident; he had been chained to a tree over the weekend.

“He was chasing a dog, got caught up in the tree, jumped on the fence, and got all wrapped up and choked himself,” Johnny Tose, the dog’s owner told the reporter.

Big Bear’s face and neck had swollen to three-times what it should have been. It was reported that he was found two days previous hanging by his neck. The woman who rescued him brought him down and moved the chain around his neck to alleviate the pressure, but his swelling kept ballooning, and she needed help.

She called the town’s police, and two cruisers went to check him out. She was told there was nothing they could do, and it was the Humane Society of the Delta’s issue. Instead authorities left the dog in the yard suffering and left just before the rescue organization arrived.

Tose said he had been able to get Big Bear loose and fed him with the intention of taking him somewhere to attend to the dog’s injuries, but the humane society came, and he surrendered the dog. Days before, authorities had been notified about the alleged animal cruelty and neglect, yet nothing had been done.

“Our timetable for Big Bear’s case started the minute we stepped on the property of the woman who rescued him, we know nothing before that since it was never communicated or shared. This was a dog in severe distress. He was deformed. Something, ANYTHING, should have been done by the responders to help him. They left him there, and did not call us. This is about how our city CHOOSES to handle their animal protection laws. And rather, how they choose NOT to uphold the law and care for the pets they are required to protect. It’s disgraceful how this whole situation was played off,” Reta posted on the organization’s Facebook page.

There have been no charges filed against the owner. Tragically, the extent of animal cruelty and neglect runs rampant in the area, and authorities do little to help the plight of these innocent victims.

“We have been told through the grapevine that the city is ‘investigating’ the matter, and yet we have not been contacted. They’ve never met the dog. We’ve seen too many times things fall through and blown off, and nothing is telling us that this time will be any different. It’s disgusting to us, infuriating, and beyond defeating,” Merritt continued.

“There will be more Big Bears. There will be more Apollos. We’ve been up against this trauma for years and years. This shelter began as a result of the former mayor releasing dogs into the state park. And still, the city dismisses their lives just the same way as back then. Abuse gets worse. We’ve seen puppies shot. We’ve seen dogs smashed in the head with hammers. We’ve had dogs threatened with an axe. When does it end? Why is none of this enough? If this doesn’t warrant the response of law enforcement, what the hell will?”

As for Bear, his face and neck have made a remarkable recovery, and his rescuers are so incredibly relieved it looks like he is through the worst of it. He will be available for adoption when he is fully healed.

Help the voiceless and contact the Helena Police Department, chief of police, and Mayor Kevin Smith. Please continue to help us spread the word and speak for those who cannot speak fit themselves.

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Video of Big Bear:

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  1. My word…are these people REALLY this stupid? Come on, problems for years and nothing can be done?! IT’S CALLED VOTING FOLKS. Vote OUT those state officials who ignore this and KEEP voting dead beats OUT until you find a keeper. NOT complicated at ALL people. Way to go demon spawned Arkansas. ANOTHER WHITE SUPREMACIST EVANGELICAL doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what God commands from ALL His children! And you ARROGANT NAZI PUKES from these HATE FILLED states call everyone ELSE the enemy. Pishah! I pray God’s hand of justice finds Arkansas with CEASELESS rain, sink holes and tornadoes until ALL is purified! Eye for an eye, DEMONS…PERIOD!


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