Breeder ordered blind dog be euth’ed until animal charity stepped in to save dog and help someone special

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A cocker spaniel named Stevie Wonder was taken to the veterinarian’s office in Cheshire, United Kingdom, by his breeder and ordered to be euthanized because the dog was nearly blind. Because the vet didn’t want to end the young dog’s life, he contacted the Dog’s Trust, a non profit charity animal rescue for assistance.

According to Cheshire Live, an operation to save the two-year-old dog’s eyesight was performed when specialists carried out a double cataract removal.

Stevie’s story however doesn’t end with his operation to see again. Vickie Tatlow, of Whitefield, Manchester adopted the dog to help her autistic teenage daughter Tegan. And what a difference that has made. Before Stevie’s arrival, Tegan, 18, rarely left the house and barely spoke; now the two share an inseparable bond.

“Stevie absolutely dotes on Tegan and follows her everywhere, while having him around has made such a difference to Tegan and had such a positive effect. His arrival has helped Tegan start to do things again. Before he arrived, Tegan would rarely go out of the house, but now she’s up early every morning to take him for a walk.”

Vickier Tatlow

Tegan has also taken over Stevie’s care – six times a day she puts the eyedrops in her dog’s eyes, kisses, cuddles and scratches his head which he loves.

Aren’t dogs wonderful? Surely they are all angels.

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