Abandoned pup who spent Christmas Day on a discarded couch has been rescued

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What could be sadder than to see a photo on social media of an abandoned dog lying on a discarded couch at the side of a country road in the Tyler, Texas area on Christmas Day? While people and their pets are celebrating, while people and their pets are enjoying food and gifts, one lost and injured pup seems to be waiting for someone to help him.

And when the photo of the poor pup went viral on Facebook yesterday, the sharing of this dog’s heartbreaking plight began to be noticed.

Nicholas Pet Haven stepped up and immediately offered help:

Is there anyone that can go out and find this baby? He needs saving and we are already packed full. If you get him we will take care of vetting and find him a home. We need a foster and not someone to just pick him up and bring to us. If you want the location then send us a pm. We will not post where he is so some nut case can have a bait dog.

Nicholas Pet Haven

And on Christmas night, the abandoned dog was rescued and is now safe with in a foster home. According to the finder, the dog appears to have been attacked by hogs and is emaciated.

Donations are needed to help.

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