16-year-old dog missing for nearly a year miraculously found after a photo of the dog appeared on Facebook

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In West Palm Beach, Florida, Sparky, the dog had been missing for nearly a year. The 16-year-old dog had escaped from an unlocked fence last October where he and his owner, Lisa Raulerson had been living.

According to Sunshine State Westie Rescue, Sparky had become an even bigger part of her life after her husband passed away 11 years ago. The dog would accompany Lisa on family vacations, and when Sparky went missing, a part of her heart was gone too.

The family looked everywhere for Sparky, tacked up flyers and offered a reward, but Sparky was old and nearly completely deaf. What chances were there that Sparky would be found. Perhaps Sparky had died, and although Lisa was heartbroken, it didn’t seem as if Sparky would ever return home.

Fast forward 331 days – Lisa had been browsing the Facebook site, Sunshine State Westie Rescue, and oh my! There was a photo of Sparky or a dog that looked exactly him. After contacting the rescue organization, Lisa discovered that the dog pictured had been picked up as a stray and he was rescued from the local shelter before he was scheduled to be euthanized. He was matted and dirty, but none of that mattered. It was Sparky.

“We pulled a little male out of the shelter today. We don’t really know anything about him besides he was picked up as a stray in Palm Beach county, he has some problems with his back legs, and he may be vision impaired due in cataracts. We don’t know his age, only that he’s older. Keep watching for a follow-up after he sees the vet. This picture is dark, but he is also very dirty and very matted. Hopefully after a couple of good baths he will be feeling and looking a lot better. He may need to be shaved down because of the mats. Hang in there sweet boy. We’ve got your back.”

Sunshine State Westie Rescue

The two have since been reunited and are now back home. Please microchip your pet. Sparky’s family would have been easier to find had he had a chip.

Never give up hope!

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